Thanks To Ralph T. For This Little Trip Down Memory Lane [Hank Bigfoot]

Now that Rick Dyer is making his rounds going to the media about his little plastic friend "Hank", Ralph T. on Facebook has compiled the morphing faces of "Hank" taking shape since the beginning of the saga. The compilation starts from an artist rendering based on Musky Allen's description of Dyer's dead Bigfoot (he swore on his unborn child that he saw a dead Bigfoot but then later admitted to lying about the whole thing), to a stolen image from the Morgan Mathew's documentary "Shooting Bigfoot". Taylor also shared a short message by the now defunct group, Facebook Find Bigfoot, reminding us who perpetuated the hoax:

Since confirming with Steve Kulls that this latest Dyer saga has been a hoax from the very beginning
Facebook Find Bigfoot has kept their word and now ceases to exist

And yes, Dyer, who was caught red-handed in 2008 said he would do it again. Thanks to Dr. Mathew Johnson for the image below:


  1. Replies
    1. It's totally fake. And you must be blind not to see it on you prehistoric iphone.

  2. why do you think it is fake? just because it has a nose like Shawn??? ;-)) you can say against Dyer what you want, but this man is always good for a surprise, and I bet this is not his last...

    1. Wtf are you talkin about I said good morning I said on the pic the decomp is wrong I only know that because I've seen assloads of dead bodies northwestern is one of the top med schools

    2. It's not the nose it's around the eyes and I understand a showmen I haven't said a word about him in forever I don't care to much

    3. The hair is also ridiculously fake, it's fake fur glued to a latex mask.

      It's really, truly, obviously fake.

    4. Harry is exactly right, as a doctor, the decomposition is so poorly portrayed in this laughable excuse for a "preserved" body, that only a fool would believe it.

      What exactly do you guys think the purpose of Dyers "preservation" process was?? I mean what do you think went on?? First off, you cant preserve a body that size, you can do one of only a few things. One is mount the animal, skin it, remove the body, and mount it on a form. Or you can technically freeze dry the whole thing, although that would cost an extreme pricetag, and would require a specially made freeze dry machine (oversized). Another would be mummification, which obviously didnt take place here, lol. So the only other alternative, and what i think ol retard Ricky was trying to get at, is basically post mor. preservation. Of course this only lasts an extremely short time. And during the process formaldehyde and other strong chemicals are saturated throughout the body. And the body would only last a very short time, just as corpses do. Not only that, but the chemicals that are injected into the body would damage and for lack of a better word, pollute, tissue, which would be the last thing you would want if you were trying to introduce a new species into a society, especially one this big and mythical.

      Had this been a real body, there would be no ridiculous "preservation" process. It simply would have been presented to the news media. The news may have chosen to not run with it, or cover it up, but thats how it would have gone.

      You people who believe Dyer really should realize what goes into preserving a body, it will immediately disprove everything about this story. Dyer is just to damn stupid to realize the obvious. But yet somehow there are stupider people out there who not only believe him, but actually are giving him money.

      Robert Lindsay right now is helping to promote all this. It wouldnt surprise me a bit if he wasnt getting some money from Rick for his promotion. Shawn you really should be exposing Robert Lindsay right now as much as Dyer, he needs to take part of the blame.

  3. Joes logic says hank is real because noone has created an exact replicar.

  4. Dyer doesn't care what you guys think of him... Lol.... He does all of it to make fun of you deluded assholes :D

    1. No, he does it for the money.

    2. He does it to prove that there is indeed a sucker born every minute.

    3. a-hole A.K.A. turd-cutter! yea that's you cause P.T. Barnum already proved that a sucker is born every minute like 100 years ago! dyer is a clown and your the make up artist. idiot!

    4. Musky Dick Ryders Gay Ass Lover AllenFriday, January 3, 2014 at 12:21:00 PM PST

      But he's my taterholer.We had butt sex last night and I liked it!

  5. Wondering how many other evidence you want to validate the species, you turds!

    Ha ha ha ha scared?

    Dyer is coming!


    1. Yep were scared Ricky. Scared just like all the girls that have beheld your ugly ass face

  6. Blah Blah Blah.

    The reality is only tards give a crap about Dyer.

    We hung this waste of space a year ago.

    Keep trollin tardy ones!


    1. ^^ Butthurt MMG frustrated for lack of evidence

    2. MMG laughing because 'Butthurt MMG' guy exists.

      Glad you take so much time to single me out for so much attention.

      Thank you for making me feel so special.

      As for being Butthurt....

      Stalking an unknown Welshman like myself relentlessly may suggest you may want to check out that definition.


    3. I think the believers and the skeptics can join together and agree that Dyer's latest 'evidence' is a horribly fake hoax.

      Rick Dyer: creating peace and bringing people together by giving them a common enemy. :D

    4. One problem.

      The garden variety, dimly lit skeptard incredibly thinks that some how Dyer owns footers.

      NA described it as their 'Finest Hour'.

      Desperate times huh?


    5. My 8 year old Grandson can do a better job, creating a "fake' bigfoot, then Dyer!

    6. Yeah and I bet he's a little brat too! Lol

    7. Shh...your jimmies are still rustled MMG.


  7. The only thing more pathetic than this boy who cried wolf is the people who come running every time.
    This jerkoff doesn't even have to stick to the same image for people to believe him. The only Bigfoot evidence I would like to see is one ripping his head off and sh*ting down his neck.


  8. All anyone has to do, is write up on various BF sites that a Big foot was found killed by a hunter, a car etc, and those sites will receive thousands of hits! It's very simple, for such a dumb, gullible society!

    i asked my daughter's new boyfriend, who Abraham Lincoln was, and he said he was a Civil War General!

    America, the land of Dummies!

    1. And here I've worked hard all my life to keep my head above water and all I had to do was come up with some bullshit scam. Who feels like the dumb ass now?

  9. Woooooo!!!! Whether the bigfoots are in charlotte north carolina or Atlanta georgja, wooooooo!!! Old Slick Rick will take all the sexy squatches up to space mountain! Wooooooooo!!!! The Nature boy Rick Flair woooooooo!!!!!

  10. The only thing missing are the trolls making comments. Our bigfoot community is a combination of; skeptics, true believers and hoaxers. Sad to say but the hoaxers are in the majority and they always will remain in this position. Please keep this in mind that the proof remains with those making the claim.

  11. There is no "Bigfoot", morons...

  12. So where are the pics of Hank taken in SAN ANTONIO after Dyer *shot* him dead?
    Come on Dyer...let's see em dude...heheheh

  13. You people need to stop hatin' and open up your wallets and send $500 over for gas, lodging, and the medication needed for this long, painful and arduous journey.


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