Ebola Coming to America, New Monster Series, and the Occult Infiltrates the UK Government

This week Chris and the fellas talk about 2 people with ebola being brought to the US, the new show Monsters Underground, kids holding up an ice cream truck, and the occult infiltrating the UKIP. This webcast is uncensored.


  1. Replies
    1. Sometimes I like to smell a hatertole......

    2. "MiDDLE." - The Mexican Squatch

    3. So AC, you ready to go get screamed at by a big-ole Sasquatch?

    4. TBP, IS THAT YOU????

      ALL CAPS

    5. Yeah its me daddy, wanna come over and spank my mucosa??

    6. Yep AC, How is the knee, you heeled up yet? Besides, were not going hicking. I do bigfoot roadtrips up behind pineflat, shaver and huntington. You won't have to walk 10 feet from your car. Will make about 15-20 stops and do some calls. Then, you might jump right back in your car? Ya never know--- so no promisses. I like driving in the mountains at night, no traffic and more critters out. There some crippy places up there. Its a good time now through first snow. Hollar!

    7. Wild Bill" The PHONY Marine!
      "Trapper" The PHONY Trapper!

  2. Is "Ebola" some West African basketball phenom?

    1. Yes it is, it also has a 90% death
      Rate, very bad cooties!

    2. I suppose that an epidemic of that disease would trump the bigfoot discussion.

    3. 90% mortality rate not to mention its cycle of doom is only 36 hours from start to finish

    4. Give that Disease to all the "Illegal Aliens" coming here. Saves the Taxpayers big bucks!

    5. tham mexicun brungs in that thar TB ans more of tham typ of disiase dangit

    6. Wild Bill" The PHONY Marine!
      "Trapper" The PHONY Trapper!

  3. I was checking out JREF earlier and I was left wondering why the people who post on the bigfoot threads never post anywhere else on JREF? And the people who post on other threads never post on bigfoot topics?

    1. What's with the constant JREF obsession?

    2. Asking one question qualifies as a "constant JREF obsession"?

    3. You're all ASSHOLES,
      JAMES PEEN! ;~{}

    4. Come on down to dallas an say that to my face,I have been bobbing for apples all day with one hand tied behind
      My back,and i'm feeling real
      Aggressive right now!!

    5. @7:43

      Well for starters, the simpletons that post about Bigfoot on JREF are not skeptics. Think about this, there are only about 10-15 morons on the whole planet that post regularly about Bigfoot while simultaneously claiming to be a Bigfoot skeptic. That's not how normal, well adjusted adults roll, adults usually have no interest in what they consider mythical creatures. Your real Bigfoot skeptics, who actually equate Bigfoot to fairies, leprechauns, Santa Claus etc. would never waste their time posting or thinking about Bigfoot.
      I've even seen posters on JREF who post on other threads question why the JREF footers are allowed to post about Bigfoot on JREF.

    6. ^^ And Joe does the reverse of that, so he must be the biggest moron on the planet. That of course and a paid troll and probable blog admin

    7. I gots to get me butt plug vibrating. But alas,I NEED NEW BATTERIES!!Damn the bad luck. Stankape, can you ♨ spare some 99 centers? It just doesn't matter. I guess I can get me mom to pull the battery out of her 99 Cavalier. She's always helping me. Wait a sec.MOM, CAN YOU MAKE ME SOME CHEF BOYARDEE?Now that's what I'm talking about. Ooohhh,freshly charged butt plug and Chef Boyardee,who can ask for anything better.I love you mommy.

    8. Someone should drop 8:15's post in a footer thread on JREF...lol

    9. Are any hot guys here looking to get faded and X rated tonight?


    10. MMC, my t8err-hole alarm is going of like a buck in heat during mating season!

      Hell yes! I'm looking!


  4. What would be really newsworthy is if UKIP was infiltrated by anyone with an IQ over 50 and if they found someone associated with them who wasn't a massive bigot.

  5. Hі, thіѕ weekend is nіce deѕigneԁ for mе, for
    the reason that thіs mоment i am геadіng thіs enormous іnformative artiсlе hеrе at
    my housе.

  6. wheres the bigfoot. nevermind i forgot skyes already answer that question.

    1. bigfeets abin in da boosh folks knowin it fer yeers

    2. Wild Bill" The PHONY Marine!
      "Trapper" The PHONY Trapper!


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