Hockey Players Captures Footage of Bigfoot?

Here's an interesting footage captured 2 years ago. According to YouTube user imthedrummer091, this was filmed in Derry, Hew Hampshire. The sighting starts out with a loud vocalization, followed by a Class A sighting of a dark figure walking around be some trees. Here's the story:

(Wait for it about a minute and ten seconds in) This video was taken in Derry NH in mid February 2012. So we were all just having a normal day playing hockey and we were filming like we do on occasion.. but thats not all we got.. something interrupted our game. We have had sightings before and we have found footprints in this area and we we lucky to catch whatever this is on film. NH


  1. Replies
    1. Hello Joe,
      I agree and that hockey pitch is hoax as well :) xx

    2. First for the "Man rescues raccoon from dumpster" xx

    3. I still think you owe me some apologies

    4. OK... I'm sorry you didn't have any response to my drubbing of your good self, and that you have to pretend to be someone with a brain injury, not realising that people with a brain injury have the same equality as anyone else and should not be treated differently as long as they have the mental capacity and cognitive abilities to initiate the same argument I've smashed you on a million times before, like you did.

      Also, I said nothing remotely offensive.

      Epic fail.


    5. AnonymousMonday, October 20, 2014 at 2:05:00 PM PDT

      joe fi**ger*** Tuesday, October 21, 2014 at 1:43:00 AM PDT


      Because Sykes, who specializes in ancient genome sequencing, would not be able to distinguish the differences.

      Cro-Magnon man was a caucasoid, not a Sub-Saharan African. That indicates that you put little to no effort in your research and declarations.

      "And despite what Brace et al. conclude, their data still groups Cro-Magnon and Upper Paleolithic Europeans (blue) much closer to later and modern Western Eurasians than to Sub-Saharan Africans (red), while they acknowledge that prehistoric populations are distinguished by being "noticeably more robust than more recent human groups""

    6. "A complete anatomically modern male skeleton was discovered in 1823 in a cave burial in Gower, South Wales, United Kingdom (Cro-Magnon). It was the first human fossil to have been found anywhere in the world. At 33,000 years old, it is still the oldest ceremonial burial of a modern human ever discovered anywhere in Western Europe. Associated finds were red ochre anointing, a mammoth skull, and personal decorations suggesting shamanism or other religious practice. Numerous tools were with the skeleton as grave goods. Genetic analysis of mtDNA yielded the Haplogroup H, the most common group in Europe. In human mitochondrial genetics, Haplogroup H is a human mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA) haplogroup that likely originated in Southwest Asia 20,000-25,000 YBP."

      "A Cro-Magnon DNA sequence 28,000 years old was obtained from fossil bones discoverd in the Paglicci cave, in Italy. The results show that the DNA is identical to the DNA sequences of certain modern Europeans."

      Yes... You missed the point. Nobody is suggesting that Zana was Cro-Magnon, merely to draw on the comparison that archaic humans with morphological differences (and Cro-Magnon have far mkre excaggerated morphological features than Kwit, suggesting Zana's features were 'watered down') can have the exact DNA of modern humans.

      ; )

    7. Well I'm gonna complain to administer of here then.
      As I said, I never read the comment section before.

      It's so sad that I injured myself only to protect such rude people

    8. You carry on, I've got links to imunerable threads where you've used the exact same argument.

      And you slap the faces of people with real brain injuries, you sick ****.

    9. I have no idea what you're talking about. As I said, I never read the comments section before.
      You've no respect and I'll point this out to the administer.

    10. Also...

      "As it turns out, Otamids (American Cro-Magnon) are defined as long and low headed with elongate distal limbs (ie. they were hunters like Late Pleistocene Europeans), are present right into the eastern Archaic and Middle Woodlands periods and are described simply as plesiomorphic relative to 'derived' Americoids, resembling similar populations in Europe and Siberia and lacking Mongoloid features in their cranium and face."

    11. Bigfoot are reported to have black or greyish black skin, even with white hair the skin is still dark.

      Cro-Magnon is not a negroid, therefore inferring that bigfoot is a Cro-Magnon or an offshoot of it is categorically false. Inferring that Zana was a bigfoot in turn dismisses the prior Cro-Magnon=bigfoot declaration.

      Distinct genetic features do not become "watered down" in a single generation. Mutation does leap 6 generations in a single birth. If your father or mother has a large nose, you're probably going to have nearly the same nose being the child of those two.

      An mTDNA variant has been present in Europe for at least 28,000 years, yes.

      Care to elaborate with your unadultered imagination as to how caucasoid Cro-Magnon bigfoot made it to America before recognized homo sapien sapien, turned into a Negroid, and became covered in thick hair in just a few thousand years?

      Keep in mind that evolution on that level takes hundreds of thousands years plus. Neandertal's early records indicate appearing ~ 300,000 years ago while Cro-Magnon appeared ~45,000 years ago.

    12. Actually, Bigfoot are reported to have white skin also... I cans source you a million and one accounts that confirm this.

      "Cherry picking, suppressing evidence, or the fallacy of incomplete evidence is the act of pointing to individual cases or data that seem to confirm a particular position, while ignoring a significant portion of related cases or data that may contradict that position. It is a kind of fallacy of selective attention, the most common example of which is the confirmation bias.[1] Cherry picking may be committed intentionally or unintentionally. This fallacy is a major problem in public debate.[2]"

      Yes... Again, you missed the point. Nobody is suggesting that Zana was Cro-Magnon, merely to draw on the comparison that archaic humans with morphological differences (and Cro-Magnon have far more exaggerated morphological features than Kwit, suggesting Zana's features were 'watered down') can have the exact DNA of modern humans. The giants of Lovelock were describes as Caucasoid with red hair, and we have a skull from the Humbolt Sync that shows features in line with what we understand of Cro-magnon morphological features.

      "Yes, Virginia, there is a Neanderthal fossil record in America. And apparently a Neanderthal hybrid fossil record. No genetics publication has put all the evidence together: the genetics establishment is still in denial about most things Neanderthal. The evidence is scattered and mostly unrecognized, but, in our opinion, conclusive and compulsive. Consider the following article: Frank L'Engle Williams and Gail E. Krovitz, "Ontogenetic Migration of the Mental Foramen in Neanderthals and Modern Humans," Journal of Human Evolution 47/4 (Oct. 2004) 190-219. The mental foramen (literally "mind's little hole") is an anatomical trait very pronounced in Neanderthals, a small dimple in the lower jaw of the skull beneath the teeth, or mandible. It is found sporadically in humans, where it is classified as archaic. Among the places where it has been identified are the Oleniy Islands and Baltic region, Northwestern Russia in Cro-Magnon like Europoid and Mongoloid types, along with "large and massive" torus occipitalis or Anatolian bumps (Alexander Mongait, 1959; Marija Gimbutas, 1956); Bakhehisarai in the Crimea (Alexander Mongait, 1959); the Joman or Ainu of Japan (Carleton Stevens Coon, 1962); and the "race of giants" continually being unearthed in West Coast, Ohio Valley and New England archeological sites, caves and mounds. Archaic giant skeletons with mental foramina, occipital bumps, double rows of teeth and other Neanderthal features are reported, in fact, all over the Americas."

      How did they get to the America's? That's a question better people than you and I have been looking to solve for a very long time.

    13. This comment has been removed by the author.

    14. "Genetic drift is the change in allele frequency from one generation to the next that occurs because alleles are subject to sampling error.[130] As a result, when selective forces are absent or relatively weak, allele frequencies tend to "drift" upward or downward randomly (in a random walk). This drift halts when an allele eventually becomes fixed, either by disappearing from the population, or replacing the other alleles entirely. Genetic drift may therefore eliminate some alleles from a population due to chance alone. Even in the absence of selective forces, genetic drift can cause two separate populations that began with the same genetic structure to drift apart into two divergent populations with different sets of alleles.[131]"

    15. Joe. I was trying to upload to lyrcs to Toto's Africa and I'm reasonably certain I broke my air guitar. I cannot prove my identity to you know. Hopefully you will recognize me by the stunning absence of anything topical.

    16. Let's try this from memory .. "I stopped an old man along the way, hoping to find some long forgotten words or ancient melodies, he turned to me as if to say, hurry Boy she's waiting there for's gonna take a lot to drag me away from you, there's nothing that a hundred men or more could ever do, I bless the rains down in Africa....gonna take some time to do the things we never, ever had (done)......"

    17. "Distinct genetic features do not become "watered down" in a single generation. Mutation does leap 6 generations in a single birth. If your father or mother has a large nose, you're probably going to have nearly the same nose being the child of those two."

      Yes, quite correct... But simply put; Kwit did have features of both parents as you can see by the morphological traits of his skull in line with the reports of Zana. You are looking at two subjects with the same DNA, the same species, both modern and ancient homo sapiens.

    18. DSA...are you familiar with the term Lazarus Taxa? Many things can happen in a single generation. I once dated at 49 year old mother and later her 23 year old daughter to test this. Stop blinding me with bad "Science"!

    19. Example. In less than one generation our Subject quit practicing law and now "herbs the word and spins the verb". :)

    20. White Amer­i­cans’ heads and faces have been changing in shape on average, and no one knows quite why, according to new research.

      In a trend that can be iden­ti­fied go­ing back to the mid-1800s, U.S. skulls have got­ten big­ger, taller and narrower as seen from the front, said Rich­ard and Lee Jantz, a husband-and-wife team of fo­ren­sic an­thro­po­l­gists at the Uni­vers­ity of Ten­nes­see, Knox­ville. They al­so found that faces have be­come sig­nif­i­cantly nar­rower and higher, though this shift is less pro­nounced than those af­fect­ing the whole cra­ni­um.

      An 1847 pho­to of famed Mas­sa­chu­setts sen­a­tor Dan­iel Web­ster (left) and a mod­ern pho­to of pres­i­den­tial can­di­date and form­er Mas­sa­chu­setts gov­er­nor Mitt Rom­ney (right). Their faces may be il­lus­tra­tive of gen­er­al trends af­fect­ing Amer­i­can skulls and faces: they have be­come taller and nar­rower on av­er­age since Web­ster's time, ac­cord­ing to an­thro­pol­o­gist Rich­ard Jantz. The se­lec­tion of these two faces and pho­tos is un­sci­en­tif­ic and they have not been scaled to show their true rel­a­tive sizes.

      The changes con­tin­ue in­to the genera­t­ion born in the 1980s, from which come the lat­est skulls avail­a­ble for the re­search, ac­cord­ing to the Jantzes, who pre­sented their find­ings April 14 at the an­nu­al meet­ing in Port­land, Ore. of Amer­i­can As­socia­t­ion of Phys­i­cal An­thro­po­l­o­gists.

    21. Oh and lastly... Look at the similarities between Kwit's skull and the Skhul Cro-Magnon skull here;

      ... Striking. Being 'watered down' could quite easily account for getting smaller.

    22. Wow, Joe F's science at his best.

      You still have to explain this together with the fact that Bigfoots existed already in the dinoasaur age.

      Wow, didn't know stupidity could reach such levels.

    23. mike are the john buchigross of bigfoot..although toto africa....not good i see you in the 80s drinking zima,and sporting a members only the obscure lyrical interjections though

    24. 7:30... Well apart from the fact that you got taken apart up top, I tell you what... As you seem to know all the answers, why don't you give us yor explanations for this;

    25. You have the answer right in your link, you dumbass.

    26. Come on... What is the answer, tell me what it says, it'll take you two seconds...

    27. No? Can you read?? Come on... It'll take you two minutes to tell me what's in that link... Come on bro...

    28. I have to work, I can't stay here 24/7 like you do.

      The answer is:
      "The Taylor Site contains several trackways of largely infilled, metatarsal dinosaur tracks once considered human footprints by many creationists, and a trail of deeper, more typical digitigrade dinosaur tracks"

    29. "Conclusions. Although genuine dinosaur tracks are abundant in Texas, claims of human tracks have not withstood close scientific scrutiny, and in recent years have been largely abandoned even by most creationists. Alleged Paluxy "man tracks" involve a variety of spurious phenomena, including metatarsal dinosaur tracks, erosional features, indistinct markings of unknown origin, and a few loose carvings."


    31. ...and all the links to publications at the bottom of the page

    32. You don't have a dignity, eh?

    33. Excellent 9:30!!! Now then... Now that you are committed to discussing a hypothetical scenario, would it be healthy for me to suggest your opinion on the matter subject to my opinion of you?

    34. Boy, I knew you are stupid, but not THAT stupid!

    35. No. Science has analyzed the tracks and made definitive conclusion. There's no "well but to me it's not that way" or "no they're wrong".

      Get a degree in biomechanics and paleontology and then come back.


    36. ... And you didn't know my opinion on the matter prior to me bringing the hypothetical scenario up, you stupid boy. I could imply anything I liked about you, just because you were committed to discussing the matter, ha ha ha!! Your logic, not mine.

      And now you hold imaginary degrees now as well as an imaginary brain injury? Wow... What's next?


    37. And btw, mammals nearly didn't exist before dinosaurs got extint, the only assumption to support your theory is that Bigfoot evolved straight from the few mice-like mammals present at the time.

      God I'm feeling so stupid losing my team with your idiocy and smoking you badly.

    38. Keep circling around with nonsense, all you get is that you avoid the facts reported because you know you have said something incredibly stupid, bullying won't save your dignity this time, it's crystal clear to everyone that you're the dumbest person on earth.

    39. Joe, must be very hard to make such pathetic appearences.... How do you stand that kind of humiliation?

    40. I didn't know I had those degrees, you liar. Read properly and don't put words in other people's mouth.

      I said that until you won't get those degrees, you have no dignity in discussing the matter against the conclusions made by scientists who have those degrees and, more importantly, have studied the subjects for decades.

      End of it. You're too stupid to speak with you.

    41. Keep baiting psycho nerd. You've been smacked about so long that's all you've got is imaginary scenarios and imaginary opposing arguments. There's an entire comment section here with my opinion and theories on the origins of Sasquatch, and I exposed your little angle for exactly what it is; desperate and hateful.

      Nonsesne? Take a look up top... Take a look at the last year and a half and remember why you hate me so much son. Remember why you've got to pretend to be brain injured veterans... It's cause of one thing son.

      : p

    42. I didn't said? Great grammar psycho nerd, ha ha ha ha ha!!!

    43. Yeah yeah how you desire. I'm surely that same troll opposing you from the beginning of times.


    44. You're calling me a liar and you've been pretending to be a brain injured veteran today already? The audacity knows no limits... I know this narcissism, it's been expressed before.

      If you don't have those degrees, then why are you at liberty to discuss such topics? And this is where you look like a total baiting twonk, as I don't dissagree with those scientists, ha ha ha ha ha ha!!!

    45. Meltdown on the next thread!! Ha ha ha ha!!

    46. 1. I'm not the person with brain injury. Again, why you think that every anon is the same person?

      2. I'm not discussing the matter because I've not studied the matter. You are discussing the matter while not having studied the matter. Find the differences.

      3. I'm off, I have a family and a life to enjoy. Again, find the differences.

    47. Mike does Joe still have final say on he publishing of your Pics???????

    48. 1. You're the same creepy nerd that's obsessed with me, thinks about me 24/7.

      2. You brought up the matter, and you've studied my comments, as usual... I am discussing a hypothetical matter that you consider to be a matter of sincere opinion ok my part, when in fact the original exchange couldn't have been more tongue in cheek.

      3. You have Subway to hit... These differences are in fact you trying to seperate from your multiple cyber personalities and reality.

    49. ^ thinks Anonymous is my real name

  2. Here is something interesting for you JOE. Yesterday you mentioned that American Football is gaining popularity in England if not the continent. This past July The commissioner of the National Football League, Roger Goodall put out a statement. He sees a team in London, not in 20 years but more probable with in 5 years according to him. If so England shall never be the same. Shall we name it the London Hooligans?

    1. Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha!!! That would be fitting I think Chuck! Ha ha ha h!!

    2. I still think you owe me some apologies

    3. Chuck, this just in...WE LANDED ON THE MOON!

      Also professional wrestling is scripted! Just figured I'd get you up to speed.

    4. Joe could I catch ebola from a Cleveland steamer?

    5. Im so faaanncey ^

      You already knooooww

    6. Remember my name
      I'm 'Bout to blow

    7. Who that, who that, C-R-E-E-P
      That do that, do that, C-R-E-E-P
      Who that, who that, C-R-E-E-P

  3. Stay calm, there's nothing there. The cry came from a rib cage barely bigger than a chicken.

  4. Best proof since the PGF! Case closed.

  5. Dem bigfeets luv hocky dats wel nown

  6. Great acting.Real brain trust in that family.

  7. Why didn't he drop his gloves and go after it? Must be one of those European hockey players.

    1. Who do they think they are using skill and technique to win games, it should simply be about pummeling your opponents

  8. Could Bigfoot populations have suffered from the same diseases that decimated the Native American populations

  9. You would have to have direct human contact, or cough in a BF's face, for them to contact smallpox, or other diseases.

    1. Remember the pox blankets they gave to the indians though? What if some are eating after people. Out of dumpsters. Half eaten burgers ect. Wondering about that angle.


    3. The BF are sure multiplying faster than they are dying.
      As far as them avoiding human contact, I think they know we can kill (hunt) They see us kill deer, skin them, and make fire to cook them...none of which they can do. They consider themselves animals, and would think that we would hunt them.
      The other possible theory is that BF are Indians. They were driven up the Mississippi river, and had 3 choices. 1) stay and fight 2) Go along with the program, 3) Hide from their captors. They said that over 1,000 Chiefs died that day, and the ones that hid, who made it, lived off the land, grew hair, and animalist behavior, and to this day, are still hiding from their captors....US!

    4. indians that magically grew to eight foot or taller...must be some mighty healthy berries and roots out there..besides inbreeding would have killed them off....some people sure know alot about something that has NEVER been captured ...then again maybe we are the prison planet for a race of 8ft psychic criminal apemen

    5. It is a theory, for some people. There have been several shot, all major cover up!!

    6. 6:49... Actually... If you take the time to read the cro-Magnon theory, the reason we got less robust and bigger from our ancient cousins, is due to the development of agriculture and diet. Therefore it would be us that's done the changing.

      Also... You can tell a lot from a soecies that's been studied via tens of thousands of sightings; behaviour, diet, temprement, habitat, anatomy, morphology, etc.

      Then again... Maybe you're a closet Bigfoot fan scared to come out the closet I'm case moma makes fun of you?


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